Elf, the Musical tells the story of a young, orphan child who is accidentally transported to the North Pole after crawling into Santa's sack of Christmas gifts. Forced to acknowledge both his difference in size and lack of toy-making skills, he embarks on an adventure to New York City to uncover his true identity...

This show has previously only been on a very limited release, and MTI UK have announced that the show is now available for more general licensing.

Click here to visit MTI's website to find more information about this show, and to request a licence. If you need a scenery quote, please visit the website of Scenic Projects Ltd who are able to supply a set for this production.

CONTACT US HERE if you would like to enquire about theatrical costume hire for theatrical costumes for hire from Molly Limpet's. PLEASE NOTE that currently, this wardrobe is now fully booked for all 2024 and 2025 dates.